the Disinformation Super Highway
Conspiracy: The Lords of Disinformation, by means of the occult black arts have controlled and influenced the entirety of human society, directing their human capacity for belief and love into the feeding tubes of their Interdimensional Masters via an invisible, synthetic, membrane known only as the Spectacle (*).
Abstract: Conspiracy Theories have become much more a prevalent aspect of society since 9-11-2001 with less and less fringe culture espousing conspiracy, and much more participation from the inner more stable tracts of society embracing and exploring critical thinking as a means to understand the ever changing world around them. For this demographic to better understand the currents of information delivered via the web and social media the conspiracy theorist must take a step back from the deluge of information and view “the Spectacle” as a whole or risk being forever afloat and subject to the currents of media and the plastic culture Radiohead warned of.
This Spectacle of Western Culture is knowingly and unknowingly controlled by agency and individual through influence and simple participation. While the organism known as the Spectacle has existed so long as human beings have utilized language its only in modern times are we able to objectively see the way ourselves and others are manipulated by our Beliefs into lives of poverty, ignorance and human suffering.
Case Study: One
Nerds have ruled the world through cultural manipulation since time untold. From the ancient Hebrew nerds that ruled their fellow Chosen People to modern nerds like Donald Rumsfeld who cut a swath through the Cold War and post Cold War Washington DC seemingly by logic alone, nerds have long manipulated the unsuspecting masses via the web of belief they've spun from within the safety of their mothers basement. The documentary; Mirage Men unveils decade's worth of weaponized nerdom as Richard Doty (the worlds greatest nerd), a retired Special Agent who worked for the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigation, unveils the US backed disinformation campaign he was charged with developing and injecting into the zeitgeist (1).
It’s just this type of weaponized mythmaking that the military industrial complex has used to hijack the Spectacle, the current of information we call culture. Wielding culture as a weapon the West has been able to usurp kingdoms and political dynasties. Richard Doty did this for the Air force with little green men from mars and others willingness to believe.
What richard Doty did in the early eighties while functioning as a special agent of the US Air Force, was to manipulate an individual by feeding him disinformation about UFO’s this was done at the behest of the USAF to protect information about special projects that the individual has stumbled upon. This disinformation has had a cultural shelf life shelf life of nearly thirty years and has become so ingrown and knotted with out of date Air Force special projects that disseminating factual information from fictitious is relatively pointless at this junction. Richard Doty through his professional work has created a cultural mythos that has invested and reinvested itself through media and manifest in pop culture as aspects of film, television and video game media, from the X Files to the Halo video game series, influencing countless unaware consumers in the process shaping belief and reality long after Doty collected his first pension check from the USAF.
The work of Richard Doty concluded with the institutionalization of a man named Paul Bennewitz whom Doty had been manipulating and feeding falsified government documents about a potential alien invasion. The documents and subsequent illegal behavior by Doty was done at the behest of the Air Force to cover holes in secure radio transmission, from a base that housed nuclear weapons, that Bennewitz accidentally intercepted and recorded. Richard Doty position within a government agency provided him with his platform to full manipulate Paul Bennewitz and the swath of culture that followed. Because of Doty the UFO community is a multi-million dollar industry that annually holds conventions across the country and with growing popularity, across the globe. Having directly affected the economy Richard Doty passes the litmus test provided by the black arts of the occult, by turning flights of fancy and imagination into monetary gain by means of the Spectacle alone. A coin trick.
Case Study:Two
Middle School Zionism in middle America. Since World War 2 the Spectacle has been pressed to accept more and more of human imposition upon it. While the terminal elasticity of the Spectacle is unknown, the propaganda and disinformation coming out of the former Soviet Union and the Allied Powers fed the alien bellies of the the Interdimensional Masters for sixty years topped with the suffering of those individuals that perished during the Holocaust ™ as well as those victims of humanities numerous holocaust since who did not benefit from the savvy public relations as those forebears of modern day Israel. Since the Nurnberg Tribunal disinformation has been fostered and nurtured to a degree not seen since Moses or Joseph Smith held private audience with God. Some of the claims of atrocities committed during the Holocaust ™ as reported during the Tribunals included technology still unfathomable by todays technological standards. Weapons that vaporize their victims leaving no accountable trace of life were invented and lost by the Nazi’s. Conveyer belts that would electrocute hundreds of Jews at once on their way to the furnace were reported without any evidence ever surfacing. To allow the Spectacle access to this degree of human suffering and torture engorged the Spectacle and led to something akin to cosmic diabetes for our Interdimensional Overlords.
The information diet that the Interdimensional Masters have steady fed on since Belief and Love were first made available to these ancient ones had until the Tribunals been a healthy mixture of Belief and Love without the bloat or high sodium levels of human aspiration and greed mixed into the vat. But with the opportunities providing themselves to eager Zionist Real Estate mavins, greed and avarice became additives and preservatives in the slurry. Mankind now held personal sway over the Spectacle. While this would manifest in later decades as anti consumerism “art” from European wackos and Marxist, since the time of the Tribunals the Spectacle has served its most ardent contributor and crux of so many media related conspiracy; the Jews.
While it is absurd to think that every person, let alone every Jewish person is aware of the Spectacle, the events of the Holocaust ™ and statehood the UK bequeathed its survivors has given the Jewish people a platform to develop their culture further and share their culture with the rest of the world. Sharing their culture with the world via the media of Hollywood is one of the better ideas the Jewish people have had as a means to help nurture the Spectacle back to health. While it is a well known and deplorable conspiracy that the Jews control Hollywood from a select few positions of high authority, the idea that the Spectacle could be affected and the mindset of middle America could be directed by a few representatives of an ethnic tribe towards their best interest is outlandish and might be the biggest atrocity against the Chosen People since the Holocaust ™. In one instance though the Spectacle was fed via the developing minds of High School children as one survivor of the Holocaust's ™ most notorious internment camps, Auschwitz.
In June of 2014 a Montgomery Alabama resident, Anneliese Nossbaum recounted for the local high school.(3) her harrowing near death ordeal from some sixty years earlier when she was a guest at that most infamous of Nazi Death Camps, Auschwitz. In her heartfelt commentary Mrs. Nossnbaum recounted how as anti-semitism grew in Germany she and her friends were not allowed to go to the movies anymore or much of anything else as the German Jews were stripped of their freedom and forced to live in open air prisons similar to modern Palestine. She recalled the last time she saw her father before he was lost the the Nazi Death Machine, and how her mother eventually died of tuberculosis. The Spectacle was fed via these teenagers as Nossnbaum recounted hearsay as historical fact, although she could hardly be blamed as the trauma of the Holocaust ™ has long been guided as to best feed our overlords.
Nossnbaum recounts a time when she, sixteen at the time, and a group of other women were forced to stand in line for hours only to be sent back to her barracks unmolested. She then recounts how she later learned from and uncited source that she and the other women had just been spared the nefarious gas chambers. Some of the objects of Disinformation in her story includes her giving the incorrect date and time of the Death Camps liberation. She was only of by a few months and a year in her claim, but not enough for the students to notice before placing their belief into the hungry mouths of the Interdimensional Overlords. A couple other aspects of Nossnbaum’s magikal spell she placed on her “opfer”; Nossnbaum claimed that she and the rest of the prisoners at Auschwitz were liberated shortly after the gas lines to the gas chambers were cut by American Forces. The gasses used in the camps were reported to be canned Zyclon B. Its impossible for the gas line to have been cut as there was never a gas line to begin with. One other bit of disinfo Mrs. Nossnbaum bequeathed the impressionable muggles was that the American forces liberated the death camp. While many of the “goyim” or animals as ethnic Jews call people of non Jewery, may appear to look alike to Mrs. Nossnbaum, as a European she should have been able to tell the difference between the Soviet soldiers that liberated the camp and the Americans that did not. One can only assume that this bit of disinfo while perplexing serves the larger conspiracy and ultimately the Spectacle. For this reason we are grateful to Mrs. Nossnbaum and her offering to the Overlords.
Case Study: Three
While the Disinformation campaign had been successful since the end of World War Two it had also been relatively slow moving with only the initial disinformation gaining any type of foot hold in the zeitgeist while fringe thought and other contradictory beliefs were classified as one of the bourgeoisie mental health disorders known as either communism or conspiracy theorist that are requisite for suppression of any behavior that might detract from the Spectacle. This methodology continued for nearly sixty years and was exploited for an untold amount of power and wealth by Washington, Hollywood, the Crown and the City of London, all of which owing their playbook to earlier work within the Spectacle by the Church and the City of Rome. In more recent times the Spectacle has begun to be manipulated by individuals and groups via online media such as Facebook and Twitter, both of those online sources being used to successfully overthrow governments in the Middle East and Africa.
The Saudi Backed terrorist group #isis has become a pain in the side of any government not looking to develop strip malls out of chaos and ethnic civil war. The aspect of the US government that is still submerged within the Spectacle and there in are still unaware of its manipulated patriotism and nationalism are waging a digital battle byte by byte with ISIS. This type of warfare requires less blood shed than conventional war and can be budgeted by data packages not congressional budgets. While #isis promotes their brand of Islam via the instantaneous access of the web within this new type of war is an even more diabolical enemy.
The unexplored battle ground of online terrorism has had a few pioneers in print from time to time. While these older ideas had Superman and Captain America waging war aginst the KKK and Hitler to some level of real world success in moral, the new fictitious wars are quietly incorporated into not only online fiction but video games as well. Along with #isis the online exploits of the shadowy group known as #O9A or the Order of the Nine Angles. The Order of the Nine Angles are an extremist Neo Nazi group of fundamentalist Satanist that grew out of the UK in the early nineteen sixties. The group operates by means of terrorist cells known as “sinister tribes” or by their occult name;"traditional nexions" a nexion being an occult term for a star gate or funnel for celestial energies. The group of independent terrorist cells require strenuous physical demands including triathlon and marathon completion as well about being able to survive in the wilds for up to three months alone. Another aspect of the ONA that separate them from conventional satanist is that they require human sacrifice as a part of their rituals as opposed to Satanist or Jews that only require sacrifice of animals. The group would fit in with any other brutal terrorist if it weren't for the genius use of fiction to stimulate the Spectacle by the groups mysterious and unofficial leader David Myatt.
David Myatt is a UK National who rose through the ranks of the late sixties terrorist groups. He helped to correlate satanist groups with traditional Anglo witchcraft and old world sorcery ultimately developing an indo euro based terror mindset using the occult and the then budding business of terrorism. Myatt eventually converted to Islam and was highly praised by Hamas and often asked to be a speaker and guest lecturer at numerous radical mosques throughout the middle east, this despite his anglo-saxon ethnicity.
Myatt wrote and encouraged the use of the O9A in fiction in all media from online fanzine to published novels by unrelated authors. In this way Myatt was able to access the Spectacle and directly feed the Overlords bypassing the pomp and circumstance of propaganda. With the O9A treated with the same regard as Batman, the reader looks to emulate the characters in the stories from within their own belief paradine. David Myatt had begun the war of terror in the realm of instantaneous digital fiction the same media used by the Obama Administration to announce the death of Osama Bin Laden as parlayed by the equally fictitious character, the Rock- actor Dwayne Johnson. Having a fictitious character like the Rock announced that the fictitious leader of a fictitious group of terrorist was a master stroke use of the Spectacle that David Myatt would be proud of.
As we progress through the Information Age the data humanity has collected must be stored somewhere. It is within the fiction of the world, that membrane that humanity has escaped into throughout our history that we find information being collected and redirected into what the muggles call reality. While the fiction; the Spectacle, remains obscured to the masses they will forever be manipulated by it as if by magic. Some individuals choose to remain within the fallacy of safety that the Spectacle provides. Its in every home, beaming from every television, radio and iTunes fire sale. It is in your dreams, your expectations for your relationships and the disappointments you feel when those expectations arent met. Earning the Authorship, the authority to dictate at least a portion of the Spectacle is paramount to living an unmanipulated life.
Edit: Since writing this paper I have discovered another conspiracy pertaining to the O9A. A blog reports that the majority of post 9-11 contribution to the O9A mythos has been manufactured by high school kids in California (5). If the claims of this blog and its supporters are true then the children involved in this manipulation reportedly developed millions of bytes of disinformation that has effectively spawned its own internet culture that has mixed with the likes of ISIS and other terrorist organizations online and across the world. This is a superior class of Spectacle manipulation utilizing the next step in this process of navigation; Die Fiktion Anzug, Or as it is known in the space-time community, u/fictionsuit.
Addendum: This essay was written in roughly 2014 for a class assignment. I believe that I was charting the manifestation of so called "fake news" which I assess to be, at least in part; a Truth that is rife with parasites. Fake News uses the True or Non-Falsifiable aspect of it's particle to transport it through culture and eventually to be quantified in policy and politics. All of this without the resistance that Fallacy usually experiences. The drag created as the fake news meme travels through cultural tubes is an indication of the size and physiology of the parasites.
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