Thursday, August 29, 2013

I love me some Anthology

I found myself grappling with more limitations, although they were slight this time around and much more difficult to notice. I've always loved anthologies; The Twilight Zone, Outer Limits and whatever that one Speilgberg produced on ABC in the 80's. that being said I've always wanted to do one with the materials that I've produced, hence the re-dedication of this blog to an anthology. I'll hash out the details as it grows, but I've already got a few other stories to add to our Promethium story line. 
Aug 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013


I've had to hold off on any posting as I finished up finals, but I'm now free and clear to put some work back into this blog. I've got a lot to say so here we go...

Monday, August 5, 2013

This isn't not an update

I've struggled against the obligation to post something just to be relevant. I've struggled against the obligatory apology I feel I owe the one person who might be checking this blog to see new material. While those ideas have their place and time, this is neither, or it was and I just tricked myself into doing both of those things.