Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Who left the effing milk out for three months?

Wow, that's a pungent smell. Is that, like something spoiling or whatever? Oh, me? I had class and a few errands to run...I understand that, that was months ago, but well, like I said I was a bit busy. 
You don't believe me? Well as Ive said in the past; you cant spell believe without lie...
I'll have you know that I was in fact working. I created an entire art portfolio. Oh, you dont believe me? Well I'll take some pics and post them for you. I also created a ten minute play that serves as a back story for Morhab and that talking Coyote you thought of, well for legal reasons I thought of her, but between us you were the inspiration for that one...legally? Copyrights and royalties? This is how you treat me after Ive been gone for months?  
No, youre right we should just drop that and never speak of it again. Anyway if you're interested you can read it over while I take a nap...Yeah we'll talk and cuddle later, maybe you could do something about that smell before I get back. What? Does oxytocin spoil? What the hell is vasopressin? Im gonna take a nap. I love you too-ish...

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