If one of us were to tell the other that I loved you, our relationship would invariably undergo a change. While most of this change hinges on your receptivity of that peculiar l’amore many other factor including how we carry ourselves after the confession will assemble the structure of our future relationship. Although we may have been close friends the utterance of a four letter word would forever alter our future. While we might become lovers, bitter rivals or simple dissolve our relationship into nothingness the will and intent of two adults have been completely derailed by a four letter word. This is the inherent power of language and human speech we bend and blend reality by the words that we choose to describe it. Although this journey of discovery ultimately leads us back to the commonplaces of language that we already share and enjoy, the journey there gives us a greater understanding of the landscape of language and how we can use it to better relate to ourselves our peers and the world at large. Although the concepts behind speech and the powers of speech might seem high minded in their Greco-Roman roots. we are already fluent in the abilities that our ancestors attributed a divine etiology.
If you’ve made it through the introduction of the modern Judeo Christian Bible you might have noticed that in the first sentence we learn that in the beginning of creation there was God and that “the Word” was with Him. The contention of this perspective is that the Word being referenced in that opening line is that divine ability of the human being to articulate sounds into complex encoded sounds. In a similar fashion the Sanskrit scriptures relate that in the universe was created by the vibration of sound. (1) The word in that instance is pronounced “Om” and spelled AUM. As any other word or mathematical problem, the word AUM is a whole comprised of parts. The three letters of the word represent a triune of creation much like the Christian Bible. The A translates as a-akara which means, form and shape as in earth and trees. The second letter U translates u-kara and contains within it an etheric quality and or the qualities of air and fire. The final letter M translates as ma-kara and means nether shape or shapelessness and may be a reference to the dark energy that the universe is reportedly made up of. (2) In this way the Word referenced by the Christian Bible fits nicely into the ideas expressed by the the Sanskrit scriptures. A modern reimagining of these ideas could read as easily as; In the beginning there was God and it’s ability to speak reality into existence.
“Abracadabra”! This seemingly nonsensical word should be familiar to most as the magic word a stage magician might shout out a moment before a soft flash and puff of smoke births a rabbit pulled from a gentleman's top hat. The actual historical context of the word is a bit more elaborate and ancient. The proper spelling of the word is; ebra kidbara and has its roots in the semitic cultures of the Middle East. The word approximately means; “ it came to pass as it was spoken” or rather something was spoken into reality from unreality, much like the stage magician’s bunny rabbit. Other takes on the more modern spelling of the word is that it is the Hebrew way of remembering the Abrahamic Religions concept of trinity in their parthenons; Ab (Father), Ben (Son) and Ruach A Cadsch (Holy Spirit). Regardless, the potential supernatural powers of the word it serves as an example of how words are cyphers and therein also magical in their construction. This multi dimensional approach to wordsmithing is at the heart of The Stoic take on that original concept of the Word as a manifestation of human divinity.
Stoic philosophy was founded in Hellenistic Greece in the Third Century BC. Stoicism taught a way of mental toughness and balance that empowered its practitioners against falling victim to themselves, circumstances and to others. The Stoics had another term for the Word, they called it the Logos. Logos is the root of the Greek verb “to speak”. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius is perhaps one of the most famous Stoics and had this to say about language specifically the Logos (the Word); “If the intellectual capacity is common to us all, common too is the reason [logos], which makes us rational creatures. If so, that reason [logos] also is common which tells us to do or not to do.” While it may be tempting to take this translation to simply mean that the Logos ( the Word) implies Reason the Stoics had a three tier system for understanding the Logos at different levels of density.
The first level of density is called the logos prophorikos and is commonly understood as the spoken work. The second aspect of the Logos is called the logos endiathetos and is known as the word remaining within. The third aspect of the Logos is the logos spermatikos (Seminal). Logos spermatikos is called the generative principle of the universe. The logos spermatikos is also understood to be the quantum aspect that humans are interacting with as they access their divine abilities to speak. If an individual is speaking from their hearts they are accessing the second aspect, the logos endiathetos. The logos endiathetos is the connection between the human being and the logos spermatikos. The logos Spermatikos is better understood as the quantum field of what the stoic influenced philosopher Plato described as the anima mundi, the intrinsic all pervasive intelligent soul of reality. “ Therefore we may consequently state that; this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence,,, a single visible living entity containing all living entities, which by their nature are all related. “ This entity of living reality acts as a soupy stasis field that suspends all life in a solvent of energetic and vibrational existence.
In acclaimed writer Alan Moore's take on nineteen fifties British superhero, Miracle Man the titular character lived life as a mild mannered reporter until he uttered the word, “Kimota” ( atomic spelled backwards) wherein he would become a seven foot star god who eventually led humanity into their apotheosis. Using his magic word he would flip the logos endiathetos like a switch and open and close the binary circuit accessing and occluding the flow of information from the anima mundi. Miracle Man would pull unreality down from the heavens in the plasmatic construct of syllables, ennucateing the thunderbolt and becoming a demigod.
Although, people cannot become stargods that access the quantum field to bed reality, we have accessed to a powerful force , in the spoken word that has proven to time and again be more powerful than even those atomic weapons that spawned the wonder required to compel Miracle Man into existence. It is certain that the words of Abraham Lincoln, known the world over as the Great Orator, have outlived the war that eventually claimed his life and the numerous subsequent wars that have claimed million and millions of other souls since. Our words carry the power to plant orchards of wonder in the minds of others and inspires hope and love in the hearts of the downtrodden and oppressed. The contention of this paper is that our words matter much more than we think they do and that by the flippant use of language we harm ourselves and the reality of others without knowing it. The next time you find yourself speechless give yourself a moment to wonder and observe reality and the future unfolding from the tip of your tongue.
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